Without Hunter’s assistance, Biden was unable to respond to a child’s straightforward inquiry. Even after it was clarified, he continued to tell the young listeners a tale about working with the late Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), which was impossible to be accurate given the circumstances. While in Northern Ireland, he lost track of where his office was and experienced a serious security breach. He even succeeded in demeaning our British friends. And those were just a handful of the bizarre things he said throughout the course of the four days.
But after returning from that trip on Saturday, Biden took a weekend flight back to his beach property in Delaware for even more downtime. I suppose the journey to Ireland was so taxing that he wanted yet another vacation. He somehow managed to offend his interior secretary by making a strange remark about her not coming from “anywhere” when he announced that he was traveling to Delaware.
So you’d think he’d be rested and prepared to work on Monday, wouldn’t you? Wrong.
His staff gave him the early lid on Monday morning at 9 a.m., which meant “do not expect anything from him for the remainder of the day.” That early on a Monday, he was already exhausted. This person, who now spends 40% of his time on vacation and is unable to wake up for work, is the one we now have in the office. It must be difficult to recuperate from holidays and beach time. Perhaps all that “licking the world” he spoke about when he was in Ireland is a rather exhausting workout, as one Twitter user pointed out.
We discussed if anyone would be available for the call at three in the morning. Due to his constant breaks, Biden isn’t even “up” during the day or on the weekends. “Biden has a case of the Mondays,” according to Steve Guest, special communications assistant to Senator Ted Cruz. Tommy Pigott, the fast response director for the Republican National Committee (RNC), made the joke, “Nothing like a short work day following a weekend at the beach.” Joe was exposed by the GOP as “Hidin’ Biden.” If they finally decide to make an effort to allow him to run again, you can anticipate seeing a lot more of this as he turns toward hiding in the basement.