The video released on “The Michael Knowles Show” by Sound Investigations, featuring undercover journalist Arden Young, reveals alarming claims by employees of Aylo (formerly Mindgeek), the parent company of Pornhub. These claims suggest a disregard for the protection of children and an intent to manipulate viewers’ sexual preferences, particularly among underage audiences.
In the video, Dillon Rice, a senior script writer at Aylo, is captured suggesting that exposing preteens to pornography, including content from sites like TransAngels, could be beneficial for them in figuring out their sexuality. Rice’s comments imply a belief in the potential of pornographic content to influence or clarify sexual and gender identity in young viewers.
Additionally, Aylo Production Coordinator Sylvain Fernandez and Technical Product Manager Mike Farley are shown discussing strategies to subtly introduce bisexual, gay, or trans scenes into content primarily targeted at straight men. This approach, as described by Rice, aims to “push the envelope” and broaden audience exposure to diverse sexual content.
The video also touches on the company’s efforts to attract and potentially convert viewers to less accepted forms of content, such as scenes involving transgender individuals. Rice goes as far as to suggest experimenting with content featuring trans men in scenes with male actors, aiming to challenge cultural norms and viewer expectations.
The investigative journalist, Young, explains her motivation for probing into Pornhub, citing a 2020 New York Times article highlighting difficulties in removing abuse videos from the platform, particularly those involving minors.
Overall, the video raises serious concerns about the ethical considerations and intentions behind Aylo’s content creation and distribution strategies, particularly regarding their impact on young and potentially vulnerable audiences. The implications of these revelations call for careful scrutiny and potential regulatory action, as indicated by Michael Knowles’ concluding remarks advocating for political intervention and a reevaluation of the porn industry’s practices and influence.
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