The most striking recent incident may have been when Biden asked “Where’s Jackie” while looking for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) in the crowd of a gathering after paying tribute to her just one month earlier.
Apparently Biden was unaware of the flaws in his remarks. Additionally, the White House continued to act as though what he said wasn’t really an issue.
There are numerous issues, ranging from Biden getting lost and straying to overstating the likelihood of a nuclear Armageddon danger. If he has the nuclear codes, we can only speculate as to the various issues that could arise. The fact that he is the man in control who is meeting with foreign leaders raises serious concerns.
But others are observing it too, not just us. The percentage of Americans who are concerned about Joe Biden’s mental wellbeing has increased from 59% to 64% in the past two months, according to a new Issues & Insights/TIPP poll. That amounts to over two-thirds of Americans believing he has a mental health issue. Democrats, who may finally be getting it, have contributed the majority of that rise.
“Nearly all of October’s gain came from Dems, who increased from only 39% in Aug.—a high percentage in and of itself—to 52% in the most recent poll. Think about that: A vast majority of Democrats now believe Biden might be struggling with mental health difficulties, according to the study analysis.”
Republicans expressed anxiety at a rate of 86%, while independents expressed concern at a rate of 59%.
What will Democrats do in response to this?
“The results could support rumors that some Democratic Party leaders are hoping that Biden will stand down and not seek for reelection, despite the fact that they have no viable replacement. The preferred candidate for many Democrats, former First Lady Michelle Obama, has withdrawn from the race as Vice President Kamala Harris’ favor ratings continue to decline.”
“It may be time for Biden to take a mental fitness exam, like former President Donald Trump did and passed,” according to the poll analysis.
Therefore, most Americans—including most Democrats—think there’s a problem. And yet, the Democrats in charge are still dodging the inquiry. Democrats are entirely to blame for placing us in this precarious situation.