For so many, the findings of this survey demonstrate how disconnected the Democratic political establishment is from actual America.
According to the poll, which included 2,119 registered voters, 59 percent of all respondents and 61 percent of independents believe Democrats intend to “open the U.S.-Mexico border” if they take Congress in the November elections.
According to the poll, 20% of liberals and 27% of Democrats believe their party will open up the borders.
Some who continue to believe the Democrat lie argue that their opinions do not align with the true goals of the Democratic Party claiming that those surveyed who are opposed to the left are just indoctrinated by conservative propaganda.
Furthermore, 52 percent of independent voters say Dems. prioritize immigration over Americans. This finding is crucial since so many independent swing voters have strong feelings regarding immigration issues. That indicates they’ll most likely vote Republican in the 2022 midterm elections.
The following is what CBS News had to say about the pre-election poll:
“Some voters are responding positively to Republican messaging on immigration. Among those who believe the party takes a side, [polled] people believe Democrats prioritize the interests of recent immigrants over the interests of present U.S. citizens by a three-to-one margin. And a majority of voters believe Democrats will reopen the US-Mexico border. Those who have this viewpoint vote Republican in large numbers.”
Democrat President Joe Biden has long advocated for open borders for all.
Almost the last two years, the United States has welcomed over 3 million illegal and legitimate migrants. Worse, the demographic replacement is genuine, with only 7 out of every 10 births occurring from United States natives.
Cities have been overrun with individuals who do not look like, sound like, or even share the same values and culture as normal Americans as a result of failing Democratic policies and their sick agenda.
Such high levels of immigration have also resulted in an increase in the employment market supply, causing a decrease in pay for American voters.