And now, despite a lengthy history of misleading the American electorate, dishonest and painfully biased NY Times “reporter” Maureen Dowd has finally opened her eyes.
She’s now aware of what so many of us have known for so long: President Biden is a fraud who has led our country down a path toward calamity.
“He’s acting conceited. He is prioritizing himself over the nation. He is surrounded by shrewd facilitators. He has established a reality distortion field, instructing us not to believe what we have clearly observed. His arrogance irritates me. Although he claims to be doing this for us, his true motivation is self-interest. I am not referring to Donald Trump here. I’m referring to the other president.
Thank you for finally covering the most obvious news of the century, Ms. Dowd, and thank you, New York Times. However, for the past three and a half years, where have you people—who are purportedly the best journalists in the country—been? You were absent from the scene. Disgusting.
You completely let the American people down by burying any information that might contradict your “cause” and submitting to progressive ideology out of mindless obedience. You should be completely embarrassed by yourselves, but you won’t be, as you will continue to write and publish opinion pieces in the same manner going forward, appearing shocked by what has been happening right in front of your eyes.
The real danger to democracy is not Donald Trump; rather, it is a corrupt media that has made it its goal to spread its Marxist, leftist philosophy among the American people. This is a scenario that has frequently occurred in history, and it never ends well. In this country, we are up against more than just mentally ill far-left politicians; we are up against a media-industrial complex that seeks to destroy the essence of this country.
Panicked freedom-haters show that the stakes could not be higher. Like so many of her crooked colleagues in the mainstream media, Maureen Dowd has now duly earned the moniker “Captain Obvious.”