Kamala Harris, the vice president, made another another questionable assertion about her biography that was easily refuted by her detractors.
With the use of a calendar and a quick Google search, doubters were able to quickly disprove Harris’ claim of being a liberal activist even in her infancy and adolescence.
In an interview with the Nation that was released on Monday in honor of Labor Day, Harris stated that “the farmworkers movement was a significant part of my youth.”
“I didn’t start eating grapes until I was in my 20s,” she said, adding that she was hesitant to admit it since it seems so antiquated.
“Had literally never eaten a grape,” said Harris. “When I first tasted a grape, I recall thinking, Wow! This is really good. Never cross a picket line was something that was completely ingrained in me.”
The dates for the boycott did not coincide with the vice president’s comments, but Harris was alluding to a boycott of grapes that union leaders had enacted in response to labor demonstrations.
The United Farm Workers led grape boycotts that lasted from 1984 until 2000, according to the New York Post. Harris would not have observed the boycott, as she had stated, if she had had a grape at any point in her “twenties.”
Before the grape scandal, Harris had been caught making untruthful claims.
She stated in December 2020 that her family had observed Kwanzaa every single year since she was a little girl, however the chronology revealed that the ethnic festival had just been created two years after her birth, making her claims exceedingly improbable.
Harris said in a February 2019 interview that she used marijuana in college while listening to legendary rappers Tupac and Snoop Dogg. However, a quick timeline check revealed that those musicians recorded songs after Harris had graduated.
Harris’ strange tendency to repeat words and phrases during formal speeches has also been criticized and made fun of by many on the right.