Two huge, huge, bigger-than-Aunt-Bertha stories are currently circling at warp speed. They have largely gone unnoticed since they are moving so quickly.
The Democrats’ growing buyer’s remorse is the first story. Over the past two days, the dam on that front has split wide, as I have described. Headlines like “What if he was the better 2024 candidate after all?” are becoming more common. “Should Democrats Have Selected Michelle Obama Instead of Kamala Harris?” Even Democratic voters exhibit “buyer’s remorse” about the party’s historic electoral actions. “The Democratic Party’s Remorse for Harris’s Poor Performance.”
And of the two, the stories about the Dems’ buyer’s remorse have received the most press by a wide, Bertha-sized margin. This will go on. Inversely proportional to Harris-Walz’s chances of winning, the amount of publicity will increase: The worse things go, the more of these articles we’ll see.
However, the second story may have greater significance.
The biggest coverage will always come from the horse racing side of presidential politics. Anything related to Trump vs. Harris will immediately deflate the audience. Thus, you could be caught off guard by this type of scenario.
One of the previously mentioned stories featured brand-new Democratic voter polling data. (Remember that these voters were devoted Democrats, not unsure, randomly chosen ones.) Furthermore, since this item was published less than twenty-four hours ago, it is most likely the most recent Democratic statistics available.
Shall we have a look under the hood?
Do you agree with the idea, “The process the DNC used to choose its nominee for President did not provide the strongest candidate?” This question garnered the majority of media attention because it concerns the presidential campaign.
58% of Democrats (!) agreed, which is a frightening sign of buyer’s remorse and an impending MAGA win if you’re a Lefty.
This is where things start to change, though, since the next two questions focused entirely on the connection between Dems and their own party, not Trump or the horse race.
A small majority of 52% agreed when asked if the Democratic Party’s selection of Kamala Harris was an undemocratic process. Eleven percent have no idea.
However, only 38% of Democrats disagreed, as 11% were unsure!
The term “democratic” is a codeword for “fair” in today’s popular culture. “Democratic elections” means “fair elections” in everyday speech. Thus, only 38% of Democrats think their own nomination process was fair, and Election Day is just two weeks away!
This is quite startling. It is not like anything else.
“I lost significant faith in the DNC after it did not disclose Joe Biden’s health problems during the primary process,” was the final question, which questioned Democrats if they agreed or disagreed.
The language of the statement caught my attention: “Faith” was an intriguing choice. It is typically associated with our objectives, beliefs, and hopes. The word “significant” is also intriguing. Usually, it refers to a value that is higher than the tipping point. Additionally, the phrase itself discussed honesty.
Another slim majority, 54%, concurred here. 8% were not sure.
This indicates that just 38% of Democrats still think their own party is sincere!
Are you beginning to make connections?
There are dangers in the world. It is chaotic and erratic. A president or the president’s party may need to take the wheel in emergency situations. Both party voters understand how our system operates.
However, you DO NOT hand over the keys again if they seize the wheel, drive you straight into a tree, and destroy everything! Never, ever, never, ever!