Activist for gun control David Hogg claimed on Twitter on Sunday that people in America “have no right to a gun,” implying that only militia members are entitled to the right to keep and bear arms.
“A properly regulated militia, which are essential to the security of a free state, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed,” the Second Amendment’s text states.
According to Breitbart News, the term “well-regulated militia” highlighted the significance of the phrase “shall not be infringed” on Feb. 1, 2018.
In Federalist 46, the nation’s founding father James Madison argued that the people of the United States have the power to unite against tyranny. The “ultimate authority… lies in the people alone,” he made plain. Furthermore, he stated that even a federal government with a standing army would not be able to defeat the people if they were armed and united: “Extravagant as the premise is, let it be made. It wouldn’t be overstating it to claim that the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to withstand the danger even if a regular army was formed that was fully equivalent to the resources of the nation and was entirely devoted to the federal government.”
Madison went on to say
“According to the best calculations, the maximum population that any nation can sustain a standing army with is one-hundredth of the total population or one-twenty-fifth of the population that is able to bear arms. In the United States, this ratio would not result in an army of more than 25,000 or 30,000 soldiers. These would be resisted by a militia consisting of close to 500,000 armed citizens, led by men elected by their peers, defending their shared liberties, and organized and led by governments that enjoyed their support and confidence. It may be questioned if a militia in such a situation could ever be subdued by such a large number of regular troops. Those who are most knowledgeable about this nation’s most recent effective resistance.”
The militia becomes little more than a bunch of men joined together with weapons consisting of stones, sticks, and verbal jibes when firearms are removed or severely restricted through gun control.
Therefore, the right to keep and bear weapons “must not be infringed,” as a “well-regulated militia is vital to the security of a free state.”
In other words, the militia is supposed to always present adequate resistance to maintain the state’s freedom, which is the purpose of the right to keep and bear arms.